Business Skills

The 3 step processes to earning your first grand online

Lesson 3 Module 1

Now that we know the 3 core elements every business needs, we need to figure out how to get these implemented in our businesses. 

I am going to share with you the simple 3 part process that will not only help you earn your 1st grand but also be a framework you can use to go on and build a successful scalable business. This process can be used over and over again to launch new products and services. 

Right now I bet you either have a product that is just not selling, or you are not selling enough, or you are looking for the product, that business idea so you can start and grow an online business. But where to start, what to focus on? 

These 3 steps are going to make sure you are focusing on the right task at the right time for the right reasons. 

ASK - we ask our audience what problems that have that need solving

CREATE - we use that information to craft, position or source a product or service that solves that explicit problem

SELL - we implement a sales system that connects those that have a problem we can solve with our solution. 

Now that we know the big milestones we need to achieve let's do a deeper dive and look at each milestone and create the exact steps we need to take to earn our first grand online. 

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