
Stop making this major mistake that is so simple to fix. 

 October 28, 2018

By  Robin Tindall


As an entrepreneur, a business owner, it’s very important to be professional. In the business sector, first impressions are crucial to the influence of drawing potential private or commercial clients to your business. The most widely made mistake concerns firm’s email addresses. Despite this, it’s easily fixable.

1.Your email is not right!

Some companies that have been in business for a while seem to use email addresses that are the name of the company at gmail.com, at yahoo.com, hotmail.com, at telkomsa.net. This is not right; instead of using their company name or some other clever phrase that is relevant to their line of work on their email, they settle with using another internet domain as part of their email.

2.Why it’s important to correct this error & its effects.

It is important to correct this mistake you have. You can only benefit from the slight change.

Example: Why would you have Leadgenius@gmail.com when you can have robin@leadgenius.biz or marketingexperts@leadgenius.biz By doing this, you at least own a piece of the internet, your personal internet domain. It helps companies take you seriously; they can do research on you, look at your website and see what you are all about.

If you are Leadgenius@gmail.com, it’s difficult for people to interpret whether you’re legitimate. 

You have gone through the trouble of setting up a business nonetheless you haven't really followed through on anything in particular. Consumers will self question whether they trust you with their money or to do business at all. Owning a piece of the internet, your own domain, it allows you to expand and explore many possibilities. Blogging posts, build mailing lists, a system to encourage people to sign up and chat to you and hopefully purchasing from you can be added to your website. You can initiate a whole digital marketing engine to support your business. 

But if you are using @gmail.com, it’s clear you don’t own your website and you are most likely portrayed as untrustworthy. You're making it harder for the consumer to research you and come to a buying decision. Make this process as easy as possible because there are multitudes of competition. 

It is strongly recommended that if you do not know how to make these changes, start with the following. Select your browser and type in the name of your company.co.za or the name of your company.com. See what's available. When you find something to your liking, buy it. If you don’t know how to buy it, get in touch with a consultant at LeadGenius and we can do it for you. A  “.co.za” is going to cost you R100p/y while “.com” costs about R200p/y. 

There is no excuse to get with it. Now you have a single page website; have the focus point of your cover page explaining who and what you are and have your contact details or a contact form that is easily accessible on the page too. It does not need to be fancy, the difference is that you own your email address. Take this seriously so that people can do the same.

Robin Tindall

Hi! I love helping busy entrepreneurs create scalable marketing solutions that bring business success. I am that rare combo of marketing strategist and marketing tech geek. I guess that means I can design the strategy and implement the tech to execute. I like to build things that work for me while I am out playing on the ocean. Plus dogs, love dogs.

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